Quick, Good, Cheap – Pick Two

Her Honour Madam Rosalie Abella, a Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, recently penned an opinion column in The Globe and Mail titled, “Our Civil Justice System needs to be Brought into the 21st Century” (subscription required). 

While I came to agree with Justice Abella’s conclusion, she actually made two arguments in order to get there.  And while I agree with her second argument, I cannot bring myself to agree with her first.

Her first argument is basically just “Change for change’s sake.”  She notes that the adversarial system of civil litigation we use today is pretty similar to the one used at the turn of the (last) century.  She then goes on to argue that, since the airplane and the Internet have been invented in that time, we should similarly change the way we resolve civil disputes. 

The flip side to the sentiment that “we should change with the times” is “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”  And of course, our adversarial system of civil litigation has a lot of things to commend it.  It is a system which has been honed and refined over centuries and it does a fairly good job of serving its objectives.  While other systems of dispute resolution have been conceived and tried our adversarial system remains, to paraphrase Churchill, the worst system except for all the others which have been tried from time to time.  So I would disagree with the suggestion that we ought to make any substantial changes to our civil litigation system solely on the basis that it is an old system.  We should not tear down a fence unless we know why it was put up in the first place. 

That being said, Justice Abella’s second argument really lays bare the biggest shortcoming of our “least bad” system.  She persuasively argues that the system is just too inaccessible for regular people, for the dual reasons that (i) it is too expensive and (ii) it takes too long.  One cannot really disagree with her assertion that it should not take litigants “forever and thousands of dollars to decide where their children live, whether their employer should have fired them, or whether their accident was compensable.” 

The gap between reality and expectation for participants in the civil litigation system can be profound.  I blogged last week about an employment case in Ontario which took eleven (11) years to go from start to completion at the Court of Appeal.  By comparison, a few years ago I represented an employee in an employment case that was decided by the Court of Appeal eleven months after the employee was fired.  And do you know what they told me after it was over?  They said, “If I knew it would have taken this long, I never would have done it.”  And that was in a case which, by the usual standards, was resolved quickly.

In my own practice, I have seen a fair number of clients walk away from good, promising cases—cases worth tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars—because they are not willing to wait 1, 2, or 3 years before seeing the inside of a courtroom, or because they are no longer willing to continue funding litigation which will go on for another 1, 2, or 3 years. 

The people who are most likely to be caught on the outside are those who can’t or won’t sink thousands of dollars, and years of their lives, into fighting a legal dispute – even though their case may be just.  Justice Abella perspicaciously identifies this problem when she says, “They want their day in court, not their years.”

Normally, this is where I would criticize the author for identifying the problem but not identifying any solutions.  But I can’t criticize Justice Abella here, because I don’t have any answers at the moment either.  The civil justice system serves multiple goals, among them efficiency, truth-seeking, and justice.  Major reforms to improve the outcomes in one area are almost certain to be at the expense of the other goals of the justice system.  The legal system finds itself stuck in the classic consumer quandary of “Quick, cheap, good – pick two”. 

What should we do?  Eliminate or severely curtail pre-trial discovery?  That would certainly get us to trial more efficiently.  It would also bring back the old days of “trial by ambush”, which the profession definitely wants to avoid.  Getting rid of “trial by ambush” was a major reason for the significant expansion of pre-trial discovery in the first place.  We can make our civil litigation system quicker and cheaper, but it won’t be as good.

While I can’t say what we should do, I can make a suggestion about what we should not do.  We should not do mandatory mediation.

In my opinion, the experiment of mandatory mediation is a failure and should be abandoned.  For a number of years now, any civil lawsuit in Ottawa, Toronto, or Windsor has been required to go to mandatory mediation as a necessary pre-condition to going to trial.  And why is this such a bad a idea?  Simply put, if you want to make the process of a lawsuit quicker and cheaper, you should not add additional procedural hurdles to the lawsuit.  Mandatory mediation adds both time and expense and makes the overall lawsuit take even longer.  I cannot understand why anyone thought that the system would be made more efficient by adding an extra step to civil lawsuits: it is impossible to make a journey quicker by adding pit stops.  If we want to make the process of civil lawsuit a little bit quicker and a little bit less expensive without sacrificing quality, we can start by eliminating the costly and time-consuming step of mandatory mediation.

Two Inconsistent Hockey Cases from Ontario

Does it help to have the right lawyer argue your case in court? We would like to think that it doesn’t matter: that the justice of the case will prevail, regardless of how persuasive your lawyer is.

Well, try telling that to Robbie Levita. He lost his personal injury lawsuit in 2015 in which he sued the guy who hit him from behind during the dying minutes of a rec-league hockey game. He has to be scratching his head at the more recently-released case of Casterton v MacIsaac, where Drew Casterton sued the guy who hit him during the dying the minutes of a rec-league hockey game and won a judgment for more than $700,000.00.

To find any substantial difference between Mr. Levita’s case and Mr. Casterton’s case is an exercise in splitting hairs very, very finely. Any difference between the cases is minor, while the similarities are striking:

Playing in a “non-contact” recreational hockey league in OntarioPlaying in a “non-contact” recreational hockey league in Ontario
Signed a liability waiver in favour of the leagueSigned a liability waiver in favour of the league
Incident happened in the last minute of play, with his team trailingIncident happened in the last minute of play, with his team trailing
Hit by an opposing player while not in possession of the puckHit by an opposing player while not in possession of the puck
Suffered serious injuries, including a broken tibia and fibulaSuffered serious injuries, including long-term brain damage

To find any differences between these two incidents requires a fair degree of creative thinking. What tipped the results in either direction were the factual findings by the respective Judges. Mr. Justice Firestone found that that the guy who hit Mr. Levita did not do so with an intent to injure, while Madam Justice Gomery found that the guy who hit Mr. Casterton deliberately attempted to injure him, or was reckless about the possibility that he would do so. It was on these findings of fact that the respective cases turned.

The Casterton case shows that the Levita case could have easily turned out differently, and vice versa. One has to question how much of a role the advocacy of the respective lawyers played in these cases.

  • Did Mr. Casterton have more effective advocates than Mr. Levita?
  • Or, did the Defendant in the first case have more effective advocates than the Defendant in the second case?
  • Perhaps it was a combination of both?

At the same time, it may have been some other reason or reasons, completely unrelated to the effectiveness of counsel. Perhaps the Defendant in the Levita case came across as sympathetic and remorseful in a way that the Defendant in the Casterton case did not: we can only speculate. All the same, we cannot rule out the strong possibility that the effectiveness of counsel played some role in these two very similar cases ending up with very, very different results.